Frequently Asked Questions
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Why Buy A Dog Treadmill?
For years show dog owners, breeders, handlers, dog trainers and veterinarians have used and understood the physical and mental benefits that can be achieved with dog treadmills. The “Dog Trotter Slat Mill” is the Super Duty version of the dog treadmill, and because they are “Dog Powered”, the physical gains that can be achieved are far beyond what can be achieved on an electric or human treadmill. The “Dog Trotter” is great for increasing cardiovascular health, focusing energy, building muscles, behavior modification, obedience training, and improving overall mental and physical vitality. Our goal as a company is to take this little-known training technique mainstream so that all dog owners and their best friends can benefit.

It really depends on you and your dog. Every dog is different. However, we have found that if an honest effort is made and the training is consistent most dogs are easily walking on the Dog Trotter within the first week.

In addition to the weight of your dog, a gait measurement is very important for selecting the right treadmill; don’t purchase a dog treadmill that is too small and interferes with your dog’s natural gaits, as this can result in injury. Our website provides instruction to help you select the right treadmill for your dog.

In our experience, and in our discussions with other trainers and dog treadmill professionals, we have found that generally speaking, all dogs can learn to walk on a treadmill. If a dog has a problem learning to walk on a treadmill it is usually because the time spent introducing the dog to the treadmill was too short, or the owners did not provide consistent and adequate time training. Some dogs with medical conditions or illnesses may not/should not use the treadmill. It is always wise to consult with your veterinarian before beginning any exercise program.

If you believe that treadmill exercise for your dog consists of sitting on the couch eating ice cream and watching your favorite TV program, while your dog is tied to the machine behind the couch – then the answer is YES (and shame on you). But, if your life is hectic and you care about getting your dog the regular exercise she needs, if the weather makes it difficult to get outside everyday, if your dog is rehabbing from an injury or surgery, if your dog is overweight, if you own a service dog, you live in a high traffic area, or if you personally are not able to get outside…then a dog treadmill is not a lazy way to exercise your dog. A dog treadmill is a smart choice that can in most cases can help you maintain the health and well-being of your dog.
Exercising your dog on a treadmill should be a bonding experience…one that you both enjoy and do together. We believe that being outside with your dog is the best place to be, but we also know through our own personal experiences that it isn’t always possible. Ultimately, it is about the level of commitment you have to keep your dog healthy and happy. A walk around the block once in the morning and once at night is not enough. The Dog Trotter allows you to still enjoy your leisurely walks and get your dog the more intense exercise he/she needs.

We accept Visa, Master Card, PayPal, Discover, PayPal credit, money orders, checks and wire transfers. We can set up a payment plan similar to a lay away program to ease the pain of such a large purchase.

The dog treadmill provides versatility, control and a mental stimulation that is not always achieved with a leisurely jaunt around the neighborhood, or a game of fetch. It takes mental concentration (focus) to run on a slat mill. You will see a noticeable difference in his/her energy after a treadmill workout. That is why so many dog professionals use it in their training/rehab tool kit.

The Dog Trotter comes fully assembled and only requires that the sides and risers be installed. You can be up and running in less than 10 minutes.
Our warranty varies per model. The Pro Series mill come standard with a 1 year warranty on all parts and service. Optional 2 years available. The Classic Trotters come with a 90 day warranty.